Revolutionizing Legal Direction: Business Tools, Task Automation, and Collaboration

Revolutionizing Legal Direction: Business Tools, Task Automation, and Collaboration

Publié le : 03/06/2024 03 juin juin 06 2024

Emilie Progin, Corporate Lawyer (Altarea), intervened as part of the roundtable "The Impact of AI for Lawyers in 2024: Technology, Skills, Use Cases".

We are a small legal department composed of about ten people that began the digitization process just four years ago. We started from nearly an "all-paper" system, and even though we have IT tools, we still have many steps to take.

Towards a Legal Revolution: Evolution of Business Tools and Emergence of Generative AI

Business tools have already given us access to a certain form of artificial intelligence, but we haven't yet reached generative AI in everyday use. However, it is a real topic of reflection and interest within our department and the group. Our IT department has, in fact, deployed Copilot, the daily AI assistant, at the beginning of 2024.

I am convinced that we have interesting tools. We are experiencing a kind of revolution; before, we were digging with a pickaxe, now we have a jackhammer, and it's somewhat the same for the legal department. We used to do everything by hand, we transitioned to tools that improve things, and those of tomorrow will be even more efficient.

Maximizing Efficiency: Task Automation with GaLexy

Tools will relieve us of somewhat tedious daily tasks like subsidiary management or approval of accounts, allowing us to focus on much more interesting things.

This is already happening, as we have already automated some tasks using GaLexy, but I think we will go even further tomorrow. Spending even less time. We have a lot of convincing work, I believe, to do at the team level, with lawyers, who are sometimes a bit resistant to these topics.

Towards a Collaborative Community: Implementation Strategy and Future Vision

In terms of implementation, we aim to establish an eco-CLM, starting with a small group of company contracts, and proceeding in successive stages to see how it works, involve teams, operations, and open access to everyone. The goal is to create a large community that works together. 

I am quite enthusiastic about what is happening right now. We are experiencing a new era, we need to pay attention to all these issues, and ensure we don't miss the boat.



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