Banking Power & Systems
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BANKING: CONTROL REGULATORY, OPERATIONAL, AND COMPLIANCE RISKS. Since the financial crisis of 2008, regulatory and operational risk control activities in the banking sector have been growing.
The successive reforms undertaken by the international regulatory authorities as well as the prudential rules set by the Basel Committee go in the direction of tougher traceability and transparency requirements.
Design of financial products, consumer protection, competition law, recovery litigation management, implementation of guarantees in case of insolvency or defaults of businesses, and asset management reflect the diversity of legal expertise mobilized in banking activities.
Lawyers in the banking sector choose Legal Suite solutions for reliable, optimized, fully secure management of their in-house matter management, management of powers of attorney, litigation, and e-billing for legal services.
Legal Digital Day, 1er salon virtuel dédié à la transformation numérique et digitale des métiers du droit
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Gestion de parc informatique: les 5 risques auxquels s'expose votre cabinet d'avocats
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Septeo renforce son expertise dans le domaine de l’IA (intelligence artificielle) en faisant l’acquisition de SOFTLAW.
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Banking Power & Systems
Publié le : 03/05/2020 03 mai mai 05 2020BlogBANKING: CONTROL REGULATORY, OPERATIONAL, AND COMPLIANCE RISKS. Sinc...
Les nouveaux enjeux des directions juridiques
Publié le : 01/05/2020 01 mai mai 05 2020WebinaireFace à un cas de force majeure mondial, vos entreprises luttent pour se mai...
Financial Industry Solutions
Publié le : 14/04/2020 14 avril avr. 04 2020BlogBeyond the traditional focuses of corporate finance and cash management of...
Corporate Law & Corporate Legal Departments
Publié le : 08/04/2020 08 avril avr. 04 2020BlogLawyers specializing in corporate law are responsible for tasks that fall w...
Media, Communication & IT Industry Solutions
Publié le : 08/04/2020 08 avril avr. 04 2020BlogLawyers who specialize in information technology and communication law are...
How Legal Departments can Boost their ROI through Contract Management Software
Publié le : 08/04/2020 08 avril avr. 04 2020BlogContracts are central to every corporation, whether internal (employment co...