Media, Communication & IT Industry Solutions
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Lawyers who specialize in information technology and communication law are involved in many fields: intellectual property, copyright, trademark and patent law, but also competition law, consumer protection, and compliance with national and international regulations, which constitute the “legal knowledge base” of the new digital economy.
Intellectual property, data protection and security, and management of abundant information are at the heart of this “new economy”, which brings with it a new generation of specialized lawyers open to the most innovative forms of legal information management.The economic activity of new information technologies and communication is governed by recent, complex rules of law built around the issues of regulation of operators, protection of personal data, and copyrights on content.
Lawyers in the NITC sector adopt Legal Suite solutions for the management of matter management, intellectual property, contracts, as well as risks and litigation.
Legal Digital Day, 1er salon virtuel dédié à la transformation numérique et digitale des métiers du droit
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Gestion de parc informatique: les 5 risques auxquels s'expose votre cabinet d'avocats
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Banking Power & Systems
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Les nouveaux enjeux des directions juridiques
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Financial Industry Solutions
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Corporate Law & Corporate Legal Departments
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Media, Communication & IT Industry Solutions
Publié le : 08/04/2020 08 avril avr. 04 2020BlogLawyers who specialize in information technology and communication law are...
How Legal Departments can Boost their ROI through Contract Management Software
Publié le : 08/04/2020 08 avril avr. 04 2020BlogContracts are central to every corporation, whether internal (employment co...