AI and Legal Transformation at La Poste: Experiences, Initiatives, and Collaboration
Aurelie Morin's Presentation, Legal Operations Manager (La Poste Group), as part of the panel discussion "The Impact of AI on Lawyers in 2024: Technology, Skills, Use Cases."
Digitalization and the use of generative AI are part of the objectives of the Legal Department's strategy at La Poste Group.
First Steps Towards AI: Training and Legal Collaboration at La Poste
Even before ChatGPT became the focus of daily conversations, we had established a multidisciplinary working group covering various areas of law, consisting of 10 lawyers, to test it.
In the meantime, we have implemented some training sessions and conducted awareness-raising actions to engage the lawyers. We are 140 within La Poste's legal department, and we have created legal cafes to share with the Caisse des Dépôts group. In total, we are 800 lawyers to exchange ideas, define what we are talking about AI, generative AI, extractive AI, and what they correspond to. But also, to handle AI and test it.
Implementing AI in the Legal Landscape: Experiences and Reflections at La Poste
Beyond our ongoing reflection on the impacts of AI and its use in our profession, we are also involved at a global level. One of our legal directors worked with all of La Poste's departments to draft a memo on data protection, advising all postal workers not to share any personal or company data when using ChatGPT. A group of lawyers is currently working on use cases. As a Legal Ops manager, I collaborate with our DATA/AI division and the Transformation Department to monitor the evolution of our environment in light of Generative AI.
Challenges and Initiatives: AI in the Service of Legal Transformation
Within the La Poste group, we have a legal director who handles all digital-related matters, so a legal team is present at the table every time a digital topic is discussed in a meeting or committee, particularly for drafting memos. Consequently, we benefit from a strategic impulse that is very reassuring.
The second challenge comes from the lawyers themselves. They are more than ever aware that this topic concerns them and must therefore be proactive because AI will have significant impacts on their professions. Especially since the company cannot initiate all innovation projects on its own.
Cross-Functional Collaboration: Towards Shared Value in Legal Innovation
Among the 140 lawyers in the group, I regularly engage a team of 10 lawyers for all innovation topics, particularly one lawyer who conducts experiments to determine how LKMs (Legal Knowledge Management systems) can assist us in a secure environment, with highly regulated knowledge bases, to help answer questions, particularly regarding privacy regulations.
And this has been a real lightning revelation for this lawyer within just 6 months. She has recently even participated in a hackathon organized by the Council of State, discovering a genuine passion for the subject.
Ultimately, I am convinced that if several of us engage in testing, manipulating, and participating in projects with other departments within the group, we will be able to create something of real value. We are only at the very beginning of this journey!
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AI and Legal Transformation at La Poste: Experiences, Initiatives, and Collaboration
Publié le : 11/06/2024 11 juin juin 06 2024Blog
Aurelie Morin's Presentation, Legal Operations Manager (La Poste Group), as part of the panel discussion "The Impact of AI on Lawyers in 2024: Technology, Skills, Use Cases."
Digitalization and the use of generative AI are part of the objectives of the Legal Department's strategy at La Poste Group.
First Steps Towards AI: Training and Legal Collaboration at La PosteEven before ChatGPT became the focus of daily conversations, we had established a multidisciplinary working group covering various areas of law, consisting of 10 lawyers, to test it.
In the meantime, we have implemented some training sessions and conducted awareness-raising actions to engage the lawyers. We are 140 within La Poste's legal department, and we have created legal cafes to share with the Caisse des Dépôts group. In total, we are 800 lawyers to exchange ideas, define what we are talking about AI, generative AI, extractive AI, and what they correspond to. But also, to handle AI and test it.
Implementing AI in the Legal Landscape: Experiences and Reflections at La PosteBeyond our ongoing reflection on the impacts of AI and its use in our profession, we are also involved at a global level. One of our legal directors worked with all of La Poste's departments to draft a memo on data protection, advising all postal workers not to share any personal or company data when using ChatGPT. A group of lawyers is currently working on use cases. As a Legal Ops manager, I collaborate with our DATA/AI division and the Transformation Department to monitor the evolution of our environment in light of Generative AI.
Challenges and Initiatives: AI in the Service of Legal Transformation
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